Thursday 6 October 2011

Shopping Detox

After reading an article in an online paper about a Swedish fashion journalist who put herself on a shopping detox for a whole year to stop herself from buying “unnecessary” stuff, I too have decided to give it a go. Maybe not for a whole year, but at least until the end of this one. I know I’m not the only girl in the world to buy things just to buy them, clothes in particular, as it gives you a delicious little high to come home with something new. Even if it’s a white t-shirt you already own like nine of. So, I am going to not buy anything new until the end of the year. Instead, I will learn to use the clothes I already have in more ways that I have before. It’ll hopefully force me to be a little more creative with the things I already have, and perhaps even give me an opportunity to find my own style.

And not to worry, I shall be keeping you posted on how it goes. No doubt also to do a bit of bitching about how I have absolutely NOTHING to wear! So, in advance, just bear with me.

What I WON'T be doing for a while..! 

Wednesday 21 September 2011

I support the LGBT community, and I want everyone to know it!

Jamey Rodemeyer of Buffalo, NY took his own life after being bullied at school. Why he was bullied? Because he was gay. This poor fourteen-year-old boy cried out for help online, posting on his blog how he was being bullied at school and how the other kids would insult him for being gay.
Adding insult to injury, when he aired his frustrations and his pain about being bullied in his blog, students began to bully him online as well. Finally, the bullying became too much for the fourteen-year-old, who ended his life because of the pain he’d been put through by his fellow students.

This is a tragic event, and one that in this day and age should not happen. What is wrong with people, having to pick on those who are different? A gay teen should not feel as if ending it all is his or her only way out.

There is no reason to tease or bully those who are not exactly like you. So what if a boy likes another boy, or a girl likes another girl? Love is love, and it is a beautiful thing that everyone should get to experience no matter what your sexuality is. Being gay is not a choice you make, it is how you are born. Those who are gay cannot change it, or “pray the gay away” like some people might think.
This is 2011. Why can we not just let people be who they are? Those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender are just as beautiful and amazing as those who are straight. Some of them are perhaps even braver and stronger than us who are straight, because it takes courage and confidence to stand up and say that “I’m different, but that’s okay, because this is who I am”.
It takes real courage to stand up and be true to yourself, no matter what others might think. Imagine the hate people still spew over this, imagine what you would do and how you would react if you were in their shoes. Could you still stand up straight and be proud? I’m not sure a lot of people could.

For those LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning) youths who are considering suicide as their only way out, there are people out there you can talk to. The Trevor Project is the US’ leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention to LGBTQ youth. Go to their website to learn more about this wonderful organization who does such important work. If you are in the US, you can also reach them by phone 866 4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7368).

If you are in Norway (like me), go to LLH’s (Landsforeningen for lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner) website for more information about the organization, their work and phone number and links to websites and places you can visit or call to talk to like-minded people. Or to their website specifically for gay youth, Skeiv Ungdom.

Follow everyone’s favourite drag queen Pandora Boxx’ advice:

Through dialogue we can begin to change things. Imagine if everyone who likes this page posted something like: “I support the LGBT community and I want everyone to know it!” Through one simple statement you can show support and create dialogue that could change lives.

You can follow Ms Boxx on Twitter (@ThePandoraBoxx), on Facebook ( or through her website (

This is serious, kids. Don’t let people bully, or be bullied. Try instead to be a friend, and maybe you’ll meet an amazing person you otherwise never would have met. Perhaps you could even help save someone. Reach out, show that you care. Let the world know that you won’t stand for people being bullied just because of their sexuality.

I support the LGBT community, and I want everyone to know it!

Tweet it, Facebook it, MySpace it, put it on a damn t-shirt. Just put it out there, and show your support and help create a dialogue that could save lives!

Sunday 14 August 2011

Just been inked

On Friday, I went into the city and stopped by a tattoo parlour. Mostly, just to check pricing. The girl behind the counter informed me that they had available drop-in appointments, if I wanted to get it done then. I kinda just said "okay", and we started looking at various fonts to use. After selecting the one I liked best, she printed it out and asked one of the artists if she could do it. She told me "yes, just give me 10 minutes" and off she went.
So it happened that I on Friday afternoon got my very first tattoo!
It's our wedding date in Roman numerals, and it's very clean and classy if I may say so myself. I felt like such a badass when I walked out after she'd tattooed me. Like I should be wearing skin-tight leather pants and be dating a T-Bird!

My wrist before

Still covered...

My new ink! Pretty, isn't it? 

Thursday 28 July 2011

Tea cup necklace

Since the last few posts have been rather serious, regarding what has happened here, I thought I would post something a little more upbeat and a little more in tone with the blog. Yes, something fashionable and chic!

I purchased this adorable necklace at Cubus only like last week for barely any money at all. I adore all things accessories, and as a previous post has stated, I have about a gazillion cocktail rings. I also have a bunch of necklaces, bracelets and earrings. I am a woman, after all! One with a passion for all thing sparkly and chic, nonetheless.

Anywhoo... look at my newest addition! How adorable is this? Über-cute and totally stylish.

Soo cute! 

Close-up of the little tea cup. 

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Speech excerpts

They estimate that about 200,000 people gathered in Oslo this afternoon, in remembrance of all those lives lost in the horrible events that took place here on Friday, July 22.
Our Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, said this to the mass of people gathered to show their respect.

"We are broken-hearted, but we will not cave. With torches and roses we let the world know; we will not let fear break us. The crowd I see before me today and the warmth I feel from the entire country makes me sure; we passed the test. Evil can kill a human, but never defeat a people." 

Also, H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon held a speech to those gathered, and here are some excerpts from it.

"Tonight, the streets are filled with love. We have chosen to answer this cruelty with closeness. We have chosen to meet hate with solidarity. We have chosen to show what we stand for. Norway is a country grieving. We think of all those who have suffered a loss. Those who miss someone. 
Tonight, the streets are filled with love. We have a choice to make. We cannot undo what has happened. But we can choose what this will do to us as a society and as individuals. We can choose to leave no man standing alone. We can chose to stand together. It is up to each and every one of us now. It is up to you, and it is up to me. 
We want a Norway where we live together in a community with the freedom to express ourselves, where we see differences as opportunities, where freedom is stronger than fear. Tonight, the streets are filled with love." 

Friday 22 July 2011

We are united

"We will find the guilty and hold them responsible. No one will bomb us to silence. No one will shoot us to silence. No one will ever scare us away from being Norway. You will not destroy us. You will not destroy our democracy or our ideals for a better world."

     -   Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg
                    Friday July 22, 2011.


Something unthinkable has happened in Oslo today. A bomb went off, reportedly killing seven people. Not long after, a man dressed as a police officer virtually executed young kids at a Labour Party Youth summer camp. They estimate as of right now that there are 10 dead at the summer camp, yet rumours say the numbers are higher; in the 20's.
Currently, no one person or group has taken responsibility for these horrific actions in Norway today, but it seems obvious that the bombing was a terrorist attack.

Although all of my family and friends are safe and unharmed, this still feels personal to me. Norway has always been a safe country, where a terrorist attack like this has been the furthest thing from anyone's mind. Yet, today, the unthinkable happened. The news travelled quickly around the globe, and messages of support and condolences keep ticking in from all corners of the world. I live about half an hour from the city, but I can hear - and see - the rescue helicopters flying over the house. This feels completely unreal, and I know I am not the only Norwegian today to feel as though this is personal; an injustice done to me by someone I do not know.

Our prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, has urged us all to not cave in to fear. And as I listen to news feeds from BBC and CNN, they all seem to mention how the people are not in an uproar. But that the general mood in Oslo tonight is quiet. As if we are all unanimously grieving for people injured and killed, even if we didn't know them. Clearly, this bombing and the shooting shortly thereafter has made a mark on the Norwegian people. Made us feel less safe in our own home, and it is because of that feeling that there is no public uproar in the streets. It is instead a quiet resolution to not give whoever did this the satisfaction of seeing a country whipped up in a frenzied fear; we are determined to stand strong in the face of fear, stand united to show them that we are not ones to be messed with. We, as a people, will not stand for this injustice and we will not show you fear because we will not be broken.

Candles lit in memory of those who have been killed 

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Going blonde, blonder, blondest...!

Monday, I tried the new hair colour from Schwarzkopf called Perfect Mousse, in the 10-0 Pearl Blonde shade. And I am in love! Not only did it give my hair a really pretty blonde shade that I have been trying to get for aaages, but the mousse formula is way easy to use! It's like using shampoo, and it doesn't drip or make a huge mess like other hair colours might do, nor does it stain your clothes or your skin. And it is ammonia free, so you gotta love that it doesn't smell like a chemical plant in the bathroom whilst you colour. Major bonus!

I'd definitely recommend their hair colour if you want easy, no-mess at-home colouring! Picture proof below that my attempt turned out just the way I hoped it would.

What do you think? :) 

Sunday 17 July 2011

My wrapping skills

Monday my best friend is moving up North with her boyfriend for a year, so I've got her a little going-away present. Even if she is only like almost two hours by plane away, it still feels kinda weird to not have her closer so we can just hang out at any time we want..!
So, last night we had a going away party for them, and we had such a fun time. Speaking of fun times - if you like your wine with bubbles and in the rosé category, you need to try Bouvet Rosé Excellence. So yummy!

Okay, getting back on track about my wrapping skills...! I bought her two candle holders, and as you can see from the picture proof - wrapped them up all nice and fancy! In addition to the candle holders, I'm also providing her with candles to put in them, matches to light them with, some cute napkins and her favourite candy. I know - you wish I was your best friend, too, right?

Check out my mad wrapping skills..! 

So bubbly and delicious - like a cheaper version of pink champagne!

Monday 27 June 2011

Britney's cover

I picked up the June/July issue of Harper's Bazaar on Saturday, seeing gorgeous Britney Spears smiling at me from the cover. And, being a fan, I absolutely had to buy the magazine!
The interview with the Princess of Pop was quite short, done by telephone, but still... it was Britney, and she was on the cover, looking absolutely stunning. You can read the interview here if you don't want to go pick up the magazine yourself, and find the pictures and clothes info here.
Check out the pictures below, and tell me she doesn't look like she's back to her old fabulous self?

Cover shot - dress by Bill Blass

Looking gorgeous in an Isabel Marant dress, and Louboutin pumps

Dress by Dolce & Gabbana, pumps by Raphael Young

At the skate park in an Emanuel Ungaro dress and D&G pumps 

Chic in a Blumarine dress, paired with Givenchy pumps 

Sunday 26 June 2011

Cocktail rings

In addition to my new-found bag obsession, I've also become ever so slightly obsessed with big cocktail rings. The one I purchased at H&M, gold with a lilac stone, is fabulously glittery and totally chic. Two others I picked up the other day, one in gold with a large brown stone and another in silver with a red stone, I spotted when I really just popped in to the store to buy some bobby pins! But they just spoke to me, and fit my finger so nicely. So naturally, I couldn't just leave them all alone in the store, not when I could offer them a nice home and (hopefully) lots of usage! Not that I don't have a bunch of fabulous cocktail rings from before... I've more than I can fit on my fingers, quite literally. But they are oh-so-pretty, and they sparkle and they just make me feel happy inside when I look at them. I know you know what I mean!

All my pretty rings..!

Saturday 25 June 2011

New bag(s)

I've been on a bit of a handbag kick the past weeks, apparently! During a short period of time, I've managed to purchase five new handbags. As if I really needed them... well, I did, because I'm a girl and we can never have enough fabulous bags!

Bought a smaller mint green-ish cross body bag from Accessorize, a pretty brown faux-leather satchel from Cubus, the brown fringe shoulder bag from H&M, a pretty overnight bag from Accessorize and today I got this gorgeous oversized clutch from Lulu's Accessories that I purchased at a fantastic store on the floor above where I work, called MiiN. Mostly, I'm a total shoe girl, but lately, my need for pretty bags in various shapes, colours and sizes have evidently made itself clear. Please remind me to leave my cards home when I got into work for the rest of the month?!

Real pretty and summery overnight bag from Accessorize 

Close up. Got maps and flowers and postcards, oh my!

Ultra fab new oversized clutch!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Happy Birthday, Meryl!

Today is June 22nd, and it's the truly gorgeous Meryl Streep's birthday! The fantastically talented actress turns 62 today, and a girl can only wish she looks as gorgeous at sixty-two that Ms Streep does!
In honour of one of my all-time favourite actresses' birthday, I think I will be putting on a Meryl movie or two when I get in from work tonight! Preferably The Devil Wears Prada, as I am utterly and completely hooked on that movie. I've seen it like a billion times, I mouth along to all the lines and would absolutely kill for that job. Yes, I'm one of those millions of girls they so often refer to.

Anyway... here's to you Meryl, and I hope you have a fantastic day!

This gorgeous woman turns 62 today! 

Stunning Meryl Streep

Sunday 19 June 2011

Saturday's shopping results

So, I went into the city on Saturday with my friends to do a bit of shopping. The weather was behaving, keeping the rain at bay, to really let us enjoy the day. I went in to buy some shoes I'd tried on a couple of days before; turquoise platform heels that just spoke to me, begging me to take them home. And you know you can't deny pretty shoes such a request! I also found another pair, grey wedges with lots of pretty flowers on it. So, of course, I had to have those as well. My husband doesn't call me the Shoe Queen for nothing!
And at H&M, I found this gorgeous rust-red maxi dress that just fit me so nicely. Since it's not every day a pretty dress like that fits me so well, I had to have that one, too. And I found a nice fringe bag on sale... and a cocktail ring. Also, I picked up a headband with a bow on it in a teal colour to match the new awesome platform heels I bought as well. A girl's gotta match a little, right?

Pretty maxi dress from H&M (and no, those are not my white sandals!)

Sweet fringe bag... on sale!

Wicked wedges

Cute headband with a pretty bow 

Pretty cocktail ring

Gorgeous and very cool platform heels 

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Anna says geeks are chic

At the 2011 Webby Awards (giving out awards for the best websites in various categories), won the "People's Choice" award for fashion. The award - presented by Daniel Radcliffe - was accepted by Madame Vogue herself, Anna Wintour. Although some might be surprised that Wintour actually went to the Webby's, the biggest talk of the night (and subsequently, the web) was her five-word acceptance speech. Her short speech - more like a statement than a speech, really - is probably the most famous quote from last night's festivities. And as fab fashion website Fashionista put it: "Even if she did dart of the stage like it was the end of a bad fashion show, Wintour’s presence would seem to indicate her acknowledgement of the importance of the internets. Yay for that!"

Watch Ms Wintour's fantastic speech below.

Sunday 12 June 2011

New perfume!

After a great night out with the girls, I woke up this morning feeling a little worse for wear. And I woke up early... too early when you didn't get to bed until real late the night before! Luckily, the rain had stopped and it was a beautiful sunny day out, so that helped a little. And a couple hours after I had risen from my comatose state, showered and washed my newly cut hair (I'll shut up about that soon, promise!), my parents came home after a "mini-cruise" to Kiel with my uncle and his girlfriend and my nana. My hangover kind of vanished a little when my mum showed me the perfume she'd bought me in the duty free... Jimmy Choo! She'd also bought me the Clinique Redness Solutions Daily Relief Cream.
I so heart my mum. She totally made my day!

My new perfume - ain't it purdy? 

Saturday 11 June 2011

New haircut!

Had a short day at work today, and thought I would call the hair salon to check if they had any available appointments at the end of the day. They did, and I finally got the haircut I've been wanting since months ago! I asked her for a long bob, and boy did she deliver; I got a great haircut; shorter than my previous middle-of-the-back length, layered nicely, totally manageable and definitely summer chic!
It felt so nice to feel the air on my neck again, finally. It's been so hot and humid at work, the long hair has just been killing me. So now, I won't have to keep twisting my hair up in clips all day long. And it looked like total carnage on the floor around the chair I'd been in. Just lots of blonde hair in heaps all over the place, and still I've a lot left! I am definitely ready now to go out tonight with the girls. It's grey and rainy outside, but I've got the Jacob's Creek Sparkling Rosé chilling in the fridge, the Bacardi Apple ready for action and a new haircut - no rain can stop us!

Just to show you the "before" (and the new tee my hubby got me!) 

New hair! 

Saturday 4 June 2011

Toning while working

You gotta love secret workouts! I know I do, especially when they occur at work and all I do is walk around. Well, it is supposed to occur at work while I walk around doing my usual thing. You see, I am the proud new owner of a really sweet pair of Reebok EasyTone shoes, purchased for me by my awesome husband. I picked them up from the post office yesterday afternoon, and wore them to work today. They were really comfortable to wear, and that is key when you work in a store and all you do all day is stand or walk around. I didn't really feel my legs and backside getting a workout, but I'm hoping that's part of the magic; you don't even feel it! But, even if they don't work miracles as big as the commercial promises, I'm sure they do something good. And they are really comfortable to wear, plus they look good. Can't go wrong then!
Naturally, I will keep y'all posted on whether or not they really do work as well as the ads say!

They are pretty, no? Love the white and champagne colour combination! 

Yeah, I know, you want them too. It's only natural. ;)

Friday 3 June 2011

Anniversary gift

My husband sent me this "girly rejuvenation kit" as he called it for our anniversary. It was super sweet, totally made me tear up! He had included my favourite shampoo and conditioner (the VO5 Strawberries & Cream), lovely scented Suave body washes, a new hairbrush, Neutrogena make-up remover wipes (love those!) and a super cool new t-shirt! Totally loved it, and in addition to all of that, he sent me some goodies and such a sweet letter. And as if that wasn't enough, he's bought me a pair of Reebok EasyTone shoes that should be arriving either today or tomorrow. He so spoils me, and I am so lucky!

My girly kit, courtesy of my sweet husband 

Thursday 2 June 2011

Iced coffee

Today is Ascension Day here in Norway, and that means everyone's off from work. That's what we're all excited about, not the fact that today something religious happened..! And today, the sun has decided to come out, even if it is a little windy, it's still nice out. Nice weather needs nice cool drinks, and I got a super easy recipe for an iced coffee that hits the spot if you crave caffeine and cool at the same time.
You need ice cubes, instant coffee, milk, some kind of sweetener if you like your iced coffee a little sweet and hot water. Easy, right?

Mix about two teaspoons of instant coffee with a little bit of hot water (and sweetener if you want). You should get about the same amount of coffee as an espresso, and it should be strong.
Then add ice cubes, and pour milk over. Stir and serve!
Told ya it was easy!

Home made iced coffee - so cool.

Saturday 28 May 2011

Colour me any shade of these

Went to the mall with my bestie today, and came over this display of gorgeous nail polish colours! It looked so summery and fantastic, and totally made me want long lazy days at the beach with fabulously coloured nails instead of the otherwise grey and rainy day outside. Also, it reminded me I am well overdue for a manicure... my poor nails look horrible. Nothing any shade of these polishes wouldn't have fixed though..!
Sadly I have not yet been paid, or I would've walked out with at least five different shades of fabulousness! Tell me you're not getting that feeling of summer when you look at this?!

Are your nails ready for summer..?

Sunday 22 May 2011

I'm hooked on ShopStyle

Reading April's Vogue, I found mention of the website ShopStyle, where you can search for all kinds of clothes and even created your own looks. Naturally, I headed straight there, set up my (free) account and got to searching for all kinds of gorgeous clothes, shoes, bags, sunglasses, accessories, etc.
And now I'm hooked... I can sit in front of the pc, spending too much time looking through the plethora (finally, a way to use that word in its right meaning!) of gorgeous things..! You can add your favourite brands, create wish lists, get sale alerts, add things to your favourites and create looks you can share with your friends and family and the other stylists on the site. It is freaking fabulous!
Naturally, on my favourites there are a billion shoes, mainly from the good sirs Blahnik, Choo, Louboutin and Kirkwood. And a gazillion gorgeous dresses, courtesy of misters Posen, de la Renta and Rodriguez. Naturally, there are also lots of handbags... scarves... hats... sunglasses... you get it, pretty much everything pretty I have on that favourite list!

So, ladies, if you love lots of pretty things, this is the site to be at. And it doesn't hurt that you can make wish lists and share with your family and friends when birthdays and Christmas are approaching. They'll know just what to get you!

Now go, my pretties, lose yourselves in the magic of fashion!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

H&M's new swimwear model

H&M have a brand new swimwear model, and she is not one of those stick thin models that kinda makes you feel like crap when you don't look as good in the swimwear as they do. Their new model is the GORGEOUS Tara Lynn, a stunning and curvy plus size model who rocks the heck outta the swimwear campaign!
She is absolutely stunning, and I would kill to look like her! Admittedly, I am much more of a plus size than she is, but if I could be her size and look as amazing as Tara Lynn does, I would be a very happy (and swimsuit clad) little lady!

You can read more about beautiful Tara Lynn here, at  

Also - good job H&M, for showing women you don't need be a size zero to look gorgeous in swimwear!

The gorgeous Tara Lynn


Rocking H&M's swimwear

Monday 16 May 2011

Queen Latifah rocking it for CoverGirl

Spent my Sunday reading Vogue yesterday, adding new fabulous things to my mental wish lists. Once I had read it through, I turn it over and see a CoverGirl ad on the back, with the gorgeous Queen Latifah. And I just have to share this pic of the ad that I took, because I just love how absolutely gorgeous this woman is! She's a real role model for us curvy girls, and I'll tell y'all right now, I'd love to look as fantastic in a gold sequin dress as she does here!

The gorgeous Queen Latifah for CoverGirl

Saturday 14 May 2011

Next best thing

Since there is no Starbucks in Norway, and I have become addicted to caramel macchiatos and their excellent iced teas, I had to get the next best thing today.. a premixed coffee you find in the fridge section of your local supermarket. Not as excellent as the real deal, but good enough for when you really want some cold coffee goodness..!

Starbucks goodness in the back room at work

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Ask and you shall receive

It seems posting a rant on my blog did the trick! After a rather sleepless night (and shallow sleep when it did occur), I woke up determined to get some answers today. So, after a little procrastinating during which I vacuumed the house and washed my hair, I called to ask if my contact at the agency had heard anything more regarding the receptionist job. He could inform me that even though they really liked me and wanted to hire me, they couldn't offer me anything right now. And he even said that since I had another offer it would be better for me to take that, as he couldn't be sure when or if they would make an offer to me.
So I have been eliminated from the whole "having to choose" thing, and the big flashing sign I wanted has appeared. I should have ranted a little earlier, seeing as it worked out so splendidly!
Thank you, universe!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

I can't decide...

I've been searching (desperately) for work now eight months... since September 2010, when I moved back from the States. And now finally, I have a part time job in a store that sells curtains and bedsheets and towels and stuff like that, thanks to a friend who's the manager there. And I've been offered a more permanent job there, almost full time, which is great. Trouble is, all of a sudden, I have another place interested in hiring me. I interviewed with them before Easter, but the job went to the other candidate. Now however, they've decided they need a receptionist at the other office and called the agency to specifically ask for me. Which kinda leaves me in the position of having to choose (if I am offered this other one as well), and I know people say that this is the best position to be in, but I could not disagree more. I think it is the worst possible position to be in as I have to make a choice and disappoint someone no matter what I do. I absolutely hate the idea of having to leave one of them kinda stranded without someone to hire, and it's such pressure on me that I wish I didn't have any offers at all. Which isn't a good thing to wish for as I have tried now for eight months to find a job! It's literally making me feel sick with anxiety over having to blow someone off, of leaving them with a big mess of having to find someone new. I HATE doing that. My mother tells me for once I gotta think of what's best for me and not be such a "good girl" and so considerate and afraid of hurting others, but I just cannot stand the idea of having to hurt someone. Well, in this case, turn someone down. I'm only now waiting to hear from the receptionist job, but I have to give an answer to my current job soon so she can start finding someone else to take the position so that she won't be left with no one. I need to let her know tomorrow as I've already postponed giving her an answer now for two days..!

And in addition to all this, I have to take into consideration that if I want my husband to come back into the country, there are certain rules I have to "obey" regarding how much money they need me to make to meet their requirements. I need to be a over a certain amount a year, and even though I love the job I have now, I know that I won't make that amount there, but I will at the receptionist job. But the receptionist job I think is a little above my skills, if I'm honest. I really do think I've bit off more than I can chew on that one, as I'm pretty sure that I won't do as good a job there as they might all expect and hope.
I know I won't sleep much at all tonight over this, and I just feel like screaming until my voice is gone. I really hate being in this position, and I feel like I'm about to throw a major tantrum over this like I'm a sulky 2-year-old. Not at all chic, let me tell you that much!

All I want is a big flashing neon sign that says "pick this one" with the name of either job underneath. That is all I'm asking for. How hard can that be? I don't want to have to disappoint one of the two; I know I'll always feel guilty for ditching the other one, even if I made the "right" choice! 

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Finally - a job!

Oh, my gosh..! After almost 8 months of searching for work, I am actually going in to do just that today! Woohoo!! I know, it's all very exciting, and I am totally psyched even if it's just a part time job, at least it's something, right?!
So, now, finally I get to actually work a little, and make a little money too. And you can't argue with that..! I go in today at 1pm, so I still got some time to (probably) redo the outfit another few times..! The job is working in a store that sells like curtains, towels, table cloths and stuff like that, so it's gotta be something comfortable but not too slacky. Y'know? I have a feeling that I no doubt will be purchasing cute and comfortable ballerina flats to wear, because let's face it.. heels are not really smart for being on your feet all day long! Oh, and not to worry, whatever cute shoes I buy will be posing for pictures and posted on here. I know, I'm just that nice, right?

Saturday 23 April 2011

Happy Easter!

I hope you are all having a lovely Easter. I know I am, certainly with the summer-like weather we're having, so I cannot complain about wearing ballerina pumps and no jackets outside. Love!
Will need to locate some form of self-tanner though, as my legs are incredibly white and I will scare people if they were to see me in anything shorter than ankle-length.

Anyway... just a quick post today, as I am off to enjoy some nicely chilled white wine on the veranda! Ah, yes, life is grand!

Had to leave y'all with this adorable bunny.. Happy Easter!

Monday 4 April 2011

My pretty liqueur glasses

As I promised, here is a picture of one of the five crystal liqueur glasses that I got from grandma's apartment. There are five in total; a red, a blue, a yellow and two green. They are so pretty, with the patterns in the glass, that I might have to start drinking liqueurs or schnapps now just to get a use out of them! Or, just display them in a glass cabinet to the envy of everyone I know.. sounds like a good idea, no?

Laid down, you can see the pretty decorations

I got five of these beauties..! 

Thursday 31 March 2011

Happy, happy, happy Thursday

Yes, before you even ask, there is a reason why I wrote 'happy' three times. That reason, my fine furry friends, is because I have recently discovered that Thursdays are my new favourite day. And there are three good reasons for this. There are three episodes of Criminal Minds on tonight.. in a row! Well, on two different channels, but they overlap each other perfectly. And three episodes means a lot of one of Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner. *drool*
Oh yes, I am totally crushing on him, so three episodes in one night is almost enough to reduce me to a giggling, drooling heap. I don't know why, but there is something about that man that just makes me swoon like I'm a thirteen year old at a Justin Bieber concert. And yes, he is on my list..!

For your viewing pleasure... three hot pics of one hot agent!

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Grandma's treasures - part 2

I also decided I needed to "inherit" this lovely hand-held mirror. One side is actually slightly magnified, so that might come in quite handy for spotting those mistakes on your make-up you might not have seen with a regular mirror. So now, with this mirror, I will hopefully be able to see even better when I try to apply my eyeliner evenly to each eye..! A tricky thing I have yet to be able to do, on myself at least..!

Fancy double-sided mirror 

And these two adorable little scarf clips will definitely fancy up your scarves..! They work pretty much like clip-on earrings. Instead of tying your scarf, you slide the ends into the little hoop on the back and snap it shut. And voilà - you have a fancy little brooch on your scarf to pretty yourself up even more. Quite a smart invention that I have not seen in forever... well, except maybe on some little old ladies. And now, soon, also on me!
Close up of the fastening mechanism 

Two cute scarf clips

This gorgeous beaded purse just spoke to me, begging me to take it home. So naturally, being the nice person that I am, I did! It is actually hand made, so someone sewed all those beads on by hand. Some of them have fallen off in the back, but my grandma has repaired it as best she could. The little hook handle has also fallen off at one time it seems, but it has been sewn back on again. I can just picture this gorgeous little thing paired with a lovely 50's style dress, and the perfect pin-up hair and make up. Can you not see it?

Gorgeous hand made beaded purse