Tuesday 26 July 2011

Speech excerpts

They estimate that about 200,000 people gathered in Oslo this afternoon, in remembrance of all those lives lost in the horrible events that took place here on Friday, July 22.
Our Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, said this to the mass of people gathered to show their respect.

"We are broken-hearted, but we will not cave. With torches and roses we let the world know; we will not let fear break us. The crowd I see before me today and the warmth I feel from the entire country makes me sure; we passed the test. Evil can kill a human, but never defeat a people." 

Also, H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon held a speech to those gathered, and here are some excerpts from it.

"Tonight, the streets are filled with love. We have chosen to answer this cruelty with closeness. We have chosen to meet hate with solidarity. We have chosen to show what we stand for. Norway is a country grieving. We think of all those who have suffered a loss. Those who miss someone. 
Tonight, the streets are filled with love. We have a choice to make. We cannot undo what has happened. But we can choose what this will do to us as a society and as individuals. We can choose to leave no man standing alone. We can chose to stand together. It is up to each and every one of us now. It is up to you, and it is up to me. 
We want a Norway where we live together in a community with the freedom to express ourselves, where we see differences as opportunities, where freedom is stronger than fear. Tonight, the streets are filled with love." 

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