Thursday 31 March 2011

Happy, happy, happy Thursday

Yes, before you even ask, there is a reason why I wrote 'happy' three times. That reason, my fine furry friends, is because I have recently discovered that Thursdays are my new favourite day. And there are three good reasons for this. There are three episodes of Criminal Minds on tonight.. in a row! Well, on two different channels, but they overlap each other perfectly. And three episodes means a lot of one of Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner. *drool*
Oh yes, I am totally crushing on him, so three episodes in one night is almost enough to reduce me to a giggling, drooling heap. I don't know why, but there is something about that man that just makes me swoon like I'm a thirteen year old at a Justin Bieber concert. And yes, he is on my list..!

For your viewing pleasure... three hot pics of one hot agent!

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