Saturday 11 June 2011

New haircut!

Had a short day at work today, and thought I would call the hair salon to check if they had any available appointments at the end of the day. They did, and I finally got the haircut I've been wanting since months ago! I asked her for a long bob, and boy did she deliver; I got a great haircut; shorter than my previous middle-of-the-back length, layered nicely, totally manageable and definitely summer chic!
It felt so nice to feel the air on my neck again, finally. It's been so hot and humid at work, the long hair has just been killing me. So now, I won't have to keep twisting my hair up in clips all day long. And it looked like total carnage on the floor around the chair I'd been in. Just lots of blonde hair in heaps all over the place, and still I've a lot left! I am definitely ready now to go out tonight with the girls. It's grey and rainy outside, but I've got the Jacob's Creek Sparkling Rosé chilling in the fridge, the Bacardi Apple ready for action and a new haircut - no rain can stop us!

Just to show you the "before" (and the new tee my hubby got me!) 

New hair! 

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