Wednesday 11 May 2011

Ask and you shall receive

It seems posting a rant on my blog did the trick! After a rather sleepless night (and shallow sleep when it did occur), I woke up determined to get some answers today. So, after a little procrastinating during which I vacuumed the house and washed my hair, I called to ask if my contact at the agency had heard anything more regarding the receptionist job. He could inform me that even though they really liked me and wanted to hire me, they couldn't offer me anything right now. And he even said that since I had another offer it would be better for me to take that, as he couldn't be sure when or if they would make an offer to me.
So I have been eliminated from the whole "having to choose" thing, and the big flashing sign I wanted has appeared. I should have ranted a little earlier, seeing as it worked out so splendidly!
Thank you, universe!

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