Sunday 26 June 2011

Cocktail rings

In addition to my new-found bag obsession, I've also become ever so slightly obsessed with big cocktail rings. The one I purchased at H&M, gold with a lilac stone, is fabulously glittery and totally chic. Two others I picked up the other day, one in gold with a large brown stone and another in silver with a red stone, I spotted when I really just popped in to the store to buy some bobby pins! But they just spoke to me, and fit my finger so nicely. So naturally, I couldn't just leave them all alone in the store, not when I could offer them a nice home and (hopefully) lots of usage! Not that I don't have a bunch of fabulous cocktail rings from before... I've more than I can fit on my fingers, quite literally. But they are oh-so-pretty, and they sparkle and they just make me feel happy inside when I look at them. I know you know what I mean!

All my pretty rings..!

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