Wednesday 22 June 2011

Happy Birthday, Meryl!

Today is June 22nd, and it's the truly gorgeous Meryl Streep's birthday! The fantastically talented actress turns 62 today, and a girl can only wish she looks as gorgeous at sixty-two that Ms Streep does!
In honour of one of my all-time favourite actresses' birthday, I think I will be putting on a Meryl movie or two when I get in from work tonight! Preferably The Devil Wears Prada, as I am utterly and completely hooked on that movie. I've seen it like a billion times, I mouth along to all the lines and would absolutely kill for that job. Yes, I'm one of those millions of girls they so often refer to.

Anyway... here's to you Meryl, and I hope you have a fantastic day!

This gorgeous woman turns 62 today! 

Stunning Meryl Streep

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