Saturday 4 June 2011

Toning while working

You gotta love secret workouts! I know I do, especially when they occur at work and all I do is walk around. Well, it is supposed to occur at work while I walk around doing my usual thing. You see, I am the proud new owner of a really sweet pair of Reebok EasyTone shoes, purchased for me by my awesome husband. I picked them up from the post office yesterday afternoon, and wore them to work today. They were really comfortable to wear, and that is key when you work in a store and all you do all day is stand or walk around. I didn't really feel my legs and backside getting a workout, but I'm hoping that's part of the magic; you don't even feel it! But, even if they don't work miracles as big as the commercial promises, I'm sure they do something good. And they are really comfortable to wear, plus they look good. Can't go wrong then!
Naturally, I will keep y'all posted on whether or not they really do work as well as the ads say!

They are pretty, no? Love the white and champagne colour combination! 

Yeah, I know, you want them too. It's only natural. ;)

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