Sunday 27 March 2011

Sunday activities

The perfect way to spend an otherwise uneventful Sunday? Arrange yourself comfortably on the sofa with a nice cup of coffee (or other beverage of your choice), some good tunes (I have chosen Britney's fab new album Femme Fatale) and the Power Issue of Vogue. A beautiful chunk of March edition that totals 574 pages, and equals a good hour of losing yourself in fashion and good articles. I love the March and September issues; I love how heavy they feel on my arm as I carry them from the magazine stand to the register and from the register and home. I love knowing that once I get home, I can sit down and completely lose myself in the issue for a few long glorious fashion-filled moments. What more can a girl ask for? Well... maybe some chocolates to enjoy, and a whole huge suitcase full of money so she can buy all the delicious things she sees in the magazine.. at least that's what I usually wish for; a credit card without any limit and someone else paying the bill I rack up, so I can spend to my heart's content without a single worry about how I'm going to afford it all. Oh, to be a billionaire... *sigh*

March issue of Vogue, Britney's new album and hot coffee... what more do you need on a Sunday?

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