Tuesday 22 March 2011

Finally - it is done!

I know the last post was neither magnifique nor chic, but this one is! I have done the (seemingly) impossible; my iTunes is now filled up with a grand total of 1821 songs or 13.12 GB! And that is not even including all the CDs from my heavy box o' music..! There are two full-length operas that have not found their way in, three musicals, al my Christmas music, a good 25 CDs I just couldn't be bothered with and a vast and hugely embarrassing collection of every Westlife CD ever made. Well, almost every CD, I believe there might actually be at least 1 I do not own. Yes, yes, go ahead and laugh it up. It is deserved, especially when I am stupid enough to tell the whole online world that I own all of that! In my defence, at least two of those CDs are signed by the entire (boy)band, so if I'm lucky they might make me some money at a later date. I hope.

So now I have a fully loaded iPod again... and I mean fully loaded. I've a 16 GB one, because my old 8 GB one couldn't hold all my stuff. And now that I'm over 13 GB, I think I might fill this one up, too! Perhaps in a year or so I will advance to the next level... and by then, they probably will have one that can take 100 GB. Maybe that'll be the one to go for? I know I will never stop buying music, so at one point (when I'm 70-something, maybe) I might need a 100 GB one.

And speaking of music... anyone got any good stuff they wanna share? :)

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