Thursday 31 March 2011

Happy, happy, happy Thursday

Yes, before you even ask, there is a reason why I wrote 'happy' three times. That reason, my fine furry friends, is because I have recently discovered that Thursdays are my new favourite day. And there are three good reasons for this. There are three episodes of Criminal Minds on tonight.. in a row! Well, on two different channels, but they overlap each other perfectly. And three episodes means a lot of one of Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner. *drool*
Oh yes, I am totally crushing on him, so three episodes in one night is almost enough to reduce me to a giggling, drooling heap. I don't know why, but there is something about that man that just makes me swoon like I'm a thirteen year old at a Justin Bieber concert. And yes, he is on my list..!

For your viewing pleasure... three hot pics of one hot agent!

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Grandma's treasures - part 2

I also decided I needed to "inherit" this lovely hand-held mirror. One side is actually slightly magnified, so that might come in quite handy for spotting those mistakes on your make-up you might not have seen with a regular mirror. So now, with this mirror, I will hopefully be able to see even better when I try to apply my eyeliner evenly to each eye..! A tricky thing I have yet to be able to do, on myself at least..!

Fancy double-sided mirror 

And these two adorable little scarf clips will definitely fancy up your scarves..! They work pretty much like clip-on earrings. Instead of tying your scarf, you slide the ends into the little hoop on the back and snap it shut. And voilà - you have a fancy little brooch on your scarf to pretty yourself up even more. Quite a smart invention that I have not seen in forever... well, except maybe on some little old ladies. And now, soon, also on me!
Close up of the fastening mechanism 

Two cute scarf clips

This gorgeous beaded purse just spoke to me, begging me to take it home. So naturally, being the nice person that I am, I did! It is actually hand made, so someone sewed all those beads on by hand. Some of them have fallen off in the back, but my grandma has repaired it as best she could. The little hook handle has also fallen off at one time it seems, but it has been sewn back on again. I can just picture this gorgeous little thing paired with a lovely 50's style dress, and the perfect pin-up hair and make up. Can you not see it?

Gorgeous hand made beaded purse

Grandma's treasures - part 1

So, we've recently moved my grandma into a nursing home (she's had a stroke and can no longer live on her own), and as we were going through her apartment to pack down her stuff that she couldn't bring with her I found a few vintage treasures! Not only did I get to take over her nice white china with the gold stripe around the edges and five gorgeous crystal liqueur glasses (will get pics of these when I unpack them again), but I also found some really cool stuff. Such as this lovely pink umbrella that is sure to brighten up any rainy day!

Pretty in pink on a rainy day..!

I also found some old glasses, and I have a love for all things 50's (late 40's to mid 60's), so naturally these glasses I had to have. Apparently, they once belonged to my great-grandmother's friend Albert. I'm seriously thinking I should have the prescription lenses replaced so I can wear them. Albert clearly had horrible vision, I cannot see a thing with these puppies on! Everything is super blurry, so his prescription lenses were no doubt way stronger than what I wear. I'm a "measly" +0,75.
The 70's style sunglasses (brand Polaroid, it says so on the inside) are also a lovely vintage treasure, and I can actually remember my grandma wearing these. I was born in '83, and my grandma wore these for a long time after the seventies were over, so she no doubt loved them!

Truly vintage frames!

Fabulous sunglasses

The black pouch is also lovely perfect for storing Albert's fancy glasses! Even if there is a little piece of it missing from the back, it looks virtually flawless on the front, no?

Pretty pouch for your vintage glasses

Sunday 27 March 2011

Sunday activities

The perfect way to spend an otherwise uneventful Sunday? Arrange yourself comfortably on the sofa with a nice cup of coffee (or other beverage of your choice), some good tunes (I have chosen Britney's fab new album Femme Fatale) and the Power Issue of Vogue. A beautiful chunk of March edition that totals 574 pages, and equals a good hour of losing yourself in fashion and good articles. I love the March and September issues; I love how heavy they feel on my arm as I carry them from the magazine stand to the register and from the register and home. I love knowing that once I get home, I can sit down and completely lose myself in the issue for a few long glorious fashion-filled moments. What more can a girl ask for? Well... maybe some chocolates to enjoy, and a whole huge suitcase full of money so she can buy all the delicious things she sees in the magazine.. at least that's what I usually wish for; a credit card without any limit and someone else paying the bill I rack up, so I can spend to my heart's content without a single worry about how I'm going to afford it all. Oh, to be a billionaire... *sigh*

March issue of Vogue, Britney's new album and hot coffee... what more do you need on a Sunday?

Wednesday 23 March 2011

R.I.P. Dame Elizabeth Taylor

I was sad to read just an hour ago that Elizabeth Taylor had passed away of congestive heart failure today at the age of 79.

She was an extraordinary actress, and a humanitarian who helped start the American Foundation for AIDS Research and the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation when her Giant costar Rock Hudson died of the disease in 1985.
"I want to do all I can because I have to live with me," Taylor told PEOPLE about her activism.
Ms Taylor was also awarded the second-highest civilian honour in the US by President Clinton in 2001; the Presidential Citizen's Medal, in recognition of her commitment to the AIDS activism.

People Magazine writes this on their website today:

"She was surrounded by her children – Michael Wilding, Christopher Wilding, Liza Todd and Maria Burton," Taylor's publicist, Sally Morrison, said in a statement. In addition to her children, Taylor is survived by 10 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

A stunning beauty with mesmerizing violet eyes and a double set of eyelashes, Taylor was catapulted to superstardom as a child, though she lived larger than life both on screen and off even long after she had retired from movies and became a perfume mogul.

She will be forever remembered.

Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor
February 27, 1932 - March 23, 2011

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Finally - it is done!

I know the last post was neither magnifique nor chic, but this one is! I have done the (seemingly) impossible; my iTunes is now filled up with a grand total of 1821 songs or 13.12 GB! And that is not even including all the CDs from my heavy box o' music..! There are two full-length operas that have not found their way in, three musicals, al my Christmas music, a good 25 CDs I just couldn't be bothered with and a vast and hugely embarrassing collection of every Westlife CD ever made. Well, almost every CD, I believe there might actually be at least 1 I do not own. Yes, yes, go ahead and laugh it up. It is deserved, especially when I am stupid enough to tell the whole online world that I own all of that! In my defence, at least two of those CDs are signed by the entire (boy)band, so if I'm lucky they might make me some money at a later date. I hope.

So now I have a fully loaded iPod again... and I mean fully loaded. I've a 16 GB one, because my old 8 GB one couldn't hold all my stuff. And now that I'm over 13 GB, I think I might fill this one up, too! Perhaps in a year or so I will advance to the next level... and by then, they probably will have one that can take 100 GB. Maybe that'll be the one to go for? I know I will never stop buying music, so at one point (when I'm 70-something, maybe) I might need a 100 GB one.

And speaking of music... anyone got any good stuff they wanna share? :)

Friday 18 March 2011

So many CD's, so little time...

So, seeing as I now have a fantabulous new laptop, I will have plenty of room to get my iTunes on again! I've been living without since I moved from the States back in September, and all my music is on the computer that hubby has over there. So, today I downloaded iTunes onto the new pc (had to get the 64 bit version, and I have no idea what that means), and now I'm sitting here... with a big plastic box beside me filled with all my CD's. A handful are back over in the States, but that's like maybe 6 or 7, so all the others I have here. And there are soo many..! And let's face it, importing CD's into iTunes isn't always done in the flash of an eye, so this is definitely going to take some time. The box is filled, and it weighs 25 kg! That's just about 55 lbs for those of you who are non-metric. So, yes, you can imagine that I will be here a while... probably until Sunday. Monday morning, tops. Just in time for the double digit temperatures to start, if you believe the weather forecast! So that's my silver lining, right..? Nice weather when I'm done.. yeah, can't wait.

My big box of tunes.. not fun to carry up the stairs, even less fun to carry back down, I imagine..!

Oh, and if you were wondering..? No, I do not consider this magnifique or très très chic.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Long time, no... blogging

Wow, I am becoming increasingly worse at posting on here! I thought I was bad before, but apparently, I've only just scratched the surface of my incapabilities..! ;)
Well, this is the very first post from my brand new laptop - a Toshiba Satellite with lots of storage space, Intel i3, Windows 7 and a set of fantastic harman/kardon speakers so I can blast my favourite tunes on Grooveshark whilst I post! Excellent, I know, you're jealous. The beauty was purchased for me by my hubby, how lucky am I?! It was stopped in mail jail over here though, customs deciding that they were gonna give me a hard time with it. Gotta love those people. Well, as you can surely tell, I've sprung the lovely from mail jail and it is now safe at home. All decked out with a sexy wallpaper featuring SSA Aaron Hotchner from Criminal Minds. Yes, the serious one, played by Thomas Gibson. Makes me smile like I belong in a closed high-security facility every time I start up the pc.. drool..!
For your viewing pleasure, I give you SSA Aaron Hotchner (played superbly by Thomas Gibson)