Monday 27 September 2010

Mondays are never easy..

I woke up today with one intention; going out to purchase a Wii game called My Fitness Coach: Dance Workout, and then go home and give myself a dance workout! I get home, I dig out the Wii from the various boxes of stuff I have stored in my brother's old room and manage to find all the cables and whatnot. I even manage to set it up, connect it to the TV and all is well. Then I decide I need to find the controller, because without it, I can't do much. I find the nunchuck, the balance board but no controller. So I text my hubby (who's still in the US finishing up his school year), asking if he remembered whether or not my brother borrowed the controller along with most of our games before we left for the US a year ago. He texts me back, saying he doesn't remember. We used to have two controllers, but during a rather trying game of Punch Out hubby accidentally broke it when it hit the wall. So, I text my brother, asking if he has our one controller, which he quickly confirms that he does. He says he'll bring it along with all the games he and his girlfriend borrowed some time this week. Which is really nice of him, considering he lives in the city and on his scooter it's about half an hour's ride. And he works full time (another thing he has accomplished before me! lol), so I said it was no rush. But I really wanna dance workout! And so now, I'm seriously considering getting a lift to the mall with my mother when she goes for her spinning class, buying another controller (we do need a second one, anyway) and walking home to finally, finally get a dance workout!
What's probably going to happen is that I'll be too tired by the time I come home, so I'll just leave the whole thing until tomorrow. I'm good like that.

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