Sunday 26 September 2010

Flea market find

I sadly didn't find any vintage treasures at the flea market today. Perhaps because we got there about an hour or so before they closed shop for the day, and we all know that all the good stuff go first on Saturdays. I did however buy an old book, entitled "Famous Love Stories", with a handful of short stories about love. I have to admit, the only one I'd heard of before was "Carmen", and I pretty much only knew that one because of the opera. But anyway, the book was in pretty decent shape considering it was published here in 1952, and I paid like 5 NOK for it (just under a US dollar). It will look nice on my future bookshelf, and I might even read a love story or three!

I do have a picture of it, but since my little notebook doesn't have a Bluetooth connection and it refuses to register my phone when I connect it by USB cable, I have not posted it for you! If I actually can figure out a way, I'll add it. It's really nothing that spectacular. The book has a red cover, and the pages are all edged in gold, which is kinda sweet.
I definitely think I need to get there earlier and on the first day if I have any hope of finding any lost treasures, as I am sure those are amongst the first to go! Fear not, I shall keep you posted on how that goes, too.

Enjoy the remains of your Sunday, knowing you still have at least a few more hours of freedom before Monday once again hits!

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