Sunday 26 September 2010

Excellent Sunday activity - flea markets!

On an otherwise grey and boring Sunday, an excellent activity to keep busy is going to flea markets! Usually in September there's a lot of them (at least here, it is), and if you're lucky you can find some really nice things. Maybe even a few vintage pieces for your wardrobe, or some cool accessories to sass up your style. I will probably going to a flea market today with some friends, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I might return with a few treasures. Should that happen, I will definitely keep you all posted and maybe even try my hand at posting a picture or two! Well... as long as I can find the USB cable for my phone. But fear not - I shall look for it before I leave! 

Maybe if I'm lucky I find something that might be worth millions... I would just love that, and my bank account would definitely get a kick out if it!

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