Wednesday 29 September 2010

Hooked on music

So this morning I was up early, and around 7.30 this am it was actally below zero outside! That didn't last very long, as the sun is shining here today from a gorgeous blue sky. My only grief about the day - my iPod earphones were absolutely killing my ears! lol Yes, I have managed to somehow break the good ones I had from Sony, and I was reduced to the plain white ones that come with the thing. I have ordered new ones, and they should be here probably before the weekend (yay!), but whilst I wait, I have to either use the ones that have no sound in the left plug or use the ones that work properly, but kill my ears. I know that going without music a few days is an option, but if I'm going out walking or something, I am totally and completely dependant on music to keep me company! I have no idea who those Apple iPod earplugs were meant for, but my ears are too small for them, and after using them for more than five minutes straight, it hurts like a mother pearl. So now, I'm impatiently waiting for my new Sony ones to get here in the mail, and using Grooveshark to fill my day with music!
Love, love, love that website. There's no restrictions on where you're located to use it (like Pandora sadly is), and you just type in what artist you wanna hear, and they give you all the songs by that artist. And then all you gotta do is hit shuffle (unless you prefer them in order) and play, and turn up the volume. For me today, that artist is the very talented and very cute Michael Bublé! Such a pleasant voice on such a lovely day.

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