Sunday 26 September 2010

In the beginning...

In the beginning, there was an empty site and various backgrounds and styles to choose from. Then, when that was all done, the task of actually filling the empty site with words and pictures and all other things came after. And as they say, a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step (or something very close to that), so here I am, at almost 2am on a Saturday night writing the very first entry to my newly created blog.

I've been down this road before, with about three attempts at blogging that failed at some stage or another. Mostly because I started off well, and then just forgot all about it... or worse, completely forgot my login ID and password. But I start anew with this blog, hoping to change once and for all, and actually follow this thing through properly this time! Ah, yes, I can hear the collective sound of eager little readers leaning forward in their chairs with bated breath, just waiting for my next move. Will she keep her word and follow through, or fail blog number four? There is no telling just yet, the excitement lies in the wait. Right? Are you buying it? No, didn't think so, really.

Like my previous attempts, I will try to write about what I love - like fashion (clothes, shoes, accessories ++), music, movies, books and all the other things I love - and maybe I'll sometimes write about things I'm not all that fond of. Only time will tell, and maybe, just maybe, I will manage to turn it around this time. They say fourth time's the charm, no?

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