Thursday 30 September 2010

Tony Curtis

I woke up this morning to beautiful weather outside. I go to the TV room to do my My Fitness Coach: Dance Workout workout for the day, and then I go upstairs. I check the news online, and I find out that Tony Curtis has passed away from cardiac arrest early Wednesday.
That is really sad because I always liked Tony Curtis - he was a great actor, and an absolute joy to watch. One of my favourite movies is Some Like It Hot, and it wasn't very long ago that I was another movie he was in. It was Little Miss Marker, in which he gave an excellent performance as always. And he "only" had a supporting role.

Anyway... rest in peace, Bernie Schwartz, movie land has lost another great one with you.

Tony Curtis

With Jack Lemmon and the gorgeous Marilyn Monroe from Some Like It Hot

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Pictures of my flea market find!

So I finally managed to figure out this Bluetooth thing and how to work it on this ancient desktop that my parents have.. which resulted in me being able to transfer the pics from my (semi-ancient) phone onto the computer! Now, I cannot vouch for the quality, the pics were taken with my old Samsung U600 phone and its "awesome" 3,2 mega pixel camera! At the very least, it'll show you the damn book! lol

Back of the book. Title reads (in English) "Famous Love Stories"

Front of the book. All the pages have been edged in gold, so it looks all kinds of fancy!

Hooked on music

So this morning I was up early, and around 7.30 this am it was actally below zero outside! That didn't last very long, as the sun is shining here today from a gorgeous blue sky. My only grief about the day - my iPod earphones were absolutely killing my ears! lol Yes, I have managed to somehow break the good ones I had from Sony, and I was reduced to the plain white ones that come with the thing. I have ordered new ones, and they should be here probably before the weekend (yay!), but whilst I wait, I have to either use the ones that have no sound in the left plug or use the ones that work properly, but kill my ears. I know that going without music a few days is an option, but if I'm going out walking or something, I am totally and completely dependant on music to keep me company! I have no idea who those Apple iPod earplugs were meant for, but my ears are too small for them, and after using them for more than five minutes straight, it hurts like a mother pearl. So now, I'm impatiently waiting for my new Sony ones to get here in the mail, and using Grooveshark to fill my day with music!
Love, love, love that website. There's no restrictions on where you're located to use it (like Pandora sadly is), and you just type in what artist you wanna hear, and they give you all the songs by that artist. And then all you gotta do is hit shuffle (unless you prefer them in order) and play, and turn up the volume. For me today, that artist is the very talented and very cute Michael Bublé! Such a pleasant voice on such a lovely day.

Monday 27 September 2010

Mondays are never easy..

I woke up today with one intention; going out to purchase a Wii game called My Fitness Coach: Dance Workout, and then go home and give myself a dance workout! I get home, I dig out the Wii from the various boxes of stuff I have stored in my brother's old room and manage to find all the cables and whatnot. I even manage to set it up, connect it to the TV and all is well. Then I decide I need to find the controller, because without it, I can't do much. I find the nunchuck, the balance board but no controller. So I text my hubby (who's still in the US finishing up his school year), asking if he remembered whether or not my brother borrowed the controller along with most of our games before we left for the US a year ago. He texts me back, saying he doesn't remember. We used to have two controllers, but during a rather trying game of Punch Out hubby accidentally broke it when it hit the wall. So, I text my brother, asking if he has our one controller, which he quickly confirms that he does. He says he'll bring it along with all the games he and his girlfriend borrowed some time this week. Which is really nice of him, considering he lives in the city and on his scooter it's about half an hour's ride. And he works full time (another thing he has accomplished before me! lol), so I said it was no rush. But I really wanna dance workout! And so now, I'm seriously considering getting a lift to the mall with my mother when she goes for her spinning class, buying another controller (we do need a second one, anyway) and walking home to finally, finally get a dance workout!
What's probably going to happen is that I'll be too tired by the time I come home, so I'll just leave the whole thing until tomorrow. I'm good like that.

Sunday 26 September 2010

Flea market find

I sadly didn't find any vintage treasures at the flea market today. Perhaps because we got there about an hour or so before they closed shop for the day, and we all know that all the good stuff go first on Saturdays. I did however buy an old book, entitled "Famous Love Stories", with a handful of short stories about love. I have to admit, the only one I'd heard of before was "Carmen", and I pretty much only knew that one because of the opera. But anyway, the book was in pretty decent shape considering it was published here in 1952, and I paid like 5 NOK for it (just under a US dollar). It will look nice on my future bookshelf, and I might even read a love story or three!

I do have a picture of it, but since my little notebook doesn't have a Bluetooth connection and it refuses to register my phone when I connect it by USB cable, I have not posted it for you! If I actually can figure out a way, I'll add it. It's really nothing that spectacular. The book has a red cover, and the pages are all edged in gold, which is kinda sweet.
I definitely think I need to get there earlier and on the first day if I have any hope of finding any lost treasures, as I am sure those are amongst the first to go! Fear not, I shall keep you posted on how that goes, too.

Enjoy the remains of your Sunday, knowing you still have at least a few more hours of freedom before Monday once again hits!

Excellent Sunday activity - flea markets!

On an otherwise grey and boring Sunday, an excellent activity to keep busy is going to flea markets! Usually in September there's a lot of them (at least here, it is), and if you're lucky you can find some really nice things. Maybe even a few vintage pieces for your wardrobe, or some cool accessories to sass up your style. I will probably going to a flea market today with some friends, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I might return with a few treasures. Should that happen, I will definitely keep you all posted and maybe even try my hand at posting a picture or two! Well... as long as I can find the USB cable for my phone. But fear not - I shall look for it before I leave! 

Maybe if I'm lucky I find something that might be worth millions... I would just love that, and my bank account would definitely get a kick out if it!

In the beginning...

In the beginning, there was an empty site and various backgrounds and styles to choose from. Then, when that was all done, the task of actually filling the empty site with words and pictures and all other things came after. And as they say, a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step (or something very close to that), so here I am, at almost 2am on a Saturday night writing the very first entry to my newly created blog.

I've been down this road before, with about three attempts at blogging that failed at some stage or another. Mostly because I started off well, and then just forgot all about it... or worse, completely forgot my login ID and password. But I start anew with this blog, hoping to change once and for all, and actually follow this thing through properly this time! Ah, yes, I can hear the collective sound of eager little readers leaning forward in their chairs with bated breath, just waiting for my next move. Will she keep her word and follow through, or fail blog number four? There is no telling just yet, the excitement lies in the wait. Right? Are you buying it? No, didn't think so, really.

Like my previous attempts, I will try to write about what I love - like fashion (clothes, shoes, accessories ++), music, movies, books and all the other things I love - and maybe I'll sometimes write about things I'm not all that fond of. Only time will tell, and maybe, just maybe, I will manage to turn it around this time. They say fourth time's the charm, no?