Thursday 28 July 2011

Tea cup necklace

Since the last few posts have been rather serious, regarding what has happened here, I thought I would post something a little more upbeat and a little more in tone with the blog. Yes, something fashionable and chic!

I purchased this adorable necklace at Cubus only like last week for barely any money at all. I adore all things accessories, and as a previous post has stated, I have about a gazillion cocktail rings. I also have a bunch of necklaces, bracelets and earrings. I am a woman, after all! One with a passion for all thing sparkly and chic, nonetheless.

Anywhoo... look at my newest addition! How adorable is this? Über-cute and totally stylish.

Soo cute! 

Close-up of the little tea cup. 

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Speech excerpts

They estimate that about 200,000 people gathered in Oslo this afternoon, in remembrance of all those lives lost in the horrible events that took place here on Friday, July 22.
Our Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, said this to the mass of people gathered to show their respect.

"We are broken-hearted, but we will not cave. With torches and roses we let the world know; we will not let fear break us. The crowd I see before me today and the warmth I feel from the entire country makes me sure; we passed the test. Evil can kill a human, but never defeat a people." 

Also, H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon held a speech to those gathered, and here are some excerpts from it.

"Tonight, the streets are filled with love. We have chosen to answer this cruelty with closeness. We have chosen to meet hate with solidarity. We have chosen to show what we stand for. Norway is a country grieving. We think of all those who have suffered a loss. Those who miss someone. 
Tonight, the streets are filled with love. We have a choice to make. We cannot undo what has happened. But we can choose what this will do to us as a society and as individuals. We can choose to leave no man standing alone. We can chose to stand together. It is up to each and every one of us now. It is up to you, and it is up to me. 
We want a Norway where we live together in a community with the freedom to express ourselves, where we see differences as opportunities, where freedom is stronger than fear. Tonight, the streets are filled with love." 

Friday 22 July 2011

We are united

"We will find the guilty and hold them responsible. No one will bomb us to silence. No one will shoot us to silence. No one will ever scare us away from being Norway. You will not destroy us. You will not destroy our democracy or our ideals for a better world."

     -   Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg
                    Friday July 22, 2011.


Something unthinkable has happened in Oslo today. A bomb went off, reportedly killing seven people. Not long after, a man dressed as a police officer virtually executed young kids at a Labour Party Youth summer camp. They estimate as of right now that there are 10 dead at the summer camp, yet rumours say the numbers are higher; in the 20's.
Currently, no one person or group has taken responsibility for these horrific actions in Norway today, but it seems obvious that the bombing was a terrorist attack.

Although all of my family and friends are safe and unharmed, this still feels personal to me. Norway has always been a safe country, where a terrorist attack like this has been the furthest thing from anyone's mind. Yet, today, the unthinkable happened. The news travelled quickly around the globe, and messages of support and condolences keep ticking in from all corners of the world. I live about half an hour from the city, but I can hear - and see - the rescue helicopters flying over the house. This feels completely unreal, and I know I am not the only Norwegian today to feel as though this is personal; an injustice done to me by someone I do not know.

Our prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, has urged us all to not cave in to fear. And as I listen to news feeds from BBC and CNN, they all seem to mention how the people are not in an uproar. But that the general mood in Oslo tonight is quiet. As if we are all unanimously grieving for people injured and killed, even if we didn't know them. Clearly, this bombing and the shooting shortly thereafter has made a mark on the Norwegian people. Made us feel less safe in our own home, and it is because of that feeling that there is no public uproar in the streets. It is instead a quiet resolution to not give whoever did this the satisfaction of seeing a country whipped up in a frenzied fear; we are determined to stand strong in the face of fear, stand united to show them that we are not ones to be messed with. We, as a people, will not stand for this injustice and we will not show you fear because we will not be broken.

Candles lit in memory of those who have been killed 

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Going blonde, blonder, blondest...!

Monday, I tried the new hair colour from Schwarzkopf called Perfect Mousse, in the 10-0 Pearl Blonde shade. And I am in love! Not only did it give my hair a really pretty blonde shade that I have been trying to get for aaages, but the mousse formula is way easy to use! It's like using shampoo, and it doesn't drip or make a huge mess like other hair colours might do, nor does it stain your clothes or your skin. And it is ammonia free, so you gotta love that it doesn't smell like a chemical plant in the bathroom whilst you colour. Major bonus!

I'd definitely recommend their hair colour if you want easy, no-mess at-home colouring! Picture proof below that my attempt turned out just the way I hoped it would.

What do you think? :) 

Sunday 17 July 2011

My wrapping skills

Monday my best friend is moving up North with her boyfriend for a year, so I've got her a little going-away present. Even if she is only like almost two hours by plane away, it still feels kinda weird to not have her closer so we can just hang out at any time we want..!
So, last night we had a going away party for them, and we had such a fun time. Speaking of fun times - if you like your wine with bubbles and in the rosé category, you need to try Bouvet Rosé Excellence. So yummy!

Okay, getting back on track about my wrapping skills...! I bought her two candle holders, and as you can see from the picture proof - wrapped them up all nice and fancy! In addition to the candle holders, I'm also providing her with candles to put in them, matches to light them with, some cute napkins and her favourite candy. I know - you wish I was your best friend, too, right?

Check out my mad wrapping skills..! 

So bubbly and delicious - like a cheaper version of pink champagne!