Saturday 28 May 2011

Colour me any shade of these

Went to the mall with my bestie today, and came over this display of gorgeous nail polish colours! It looked so summery and fantastic, and totally made me want long lazy days at the beach with fabulously coloured nails instead of the otherwise grey and rainy day outside. Also, it reminded me I am well overdue for a manicure... my poor nails look horrible. Nothing any shade of these polishes wouldn't have fixed though..!
Sadly I have not yet been paid, or I would've walked out with at least five different shades of fabulousness! Tell me you're not getting that feeling of summer when you look at this?!

Are your nails ready for summer..?

Sunday 22 May 2011

I'm hooked on ShopStyle

Reading April's Vogue, I found mention of the website ShopStyle, where you can search for all kinds of clothes and even created your own looks. Naturally, I headed straight there, set up my (free) account and got to searching for all kinds of gorgeous clothes, shoes, bags, sunglasses, accessories, etc.
And now I'm hooked... I can sit in front of the pc, spending too much time looking through the plethora (finally, a way to use that word in its right meaning!) of gorgeous things..! You can add your favourite brands, create wish lists, get sale alerts, add things to your favourites and create looks you can share with your friends and family and the other stylists on the site. It is freaking fabulous!
Naturally, on my favourites there are a billion shoes, mainly from the good sirs Blahnik, Choo, Louboutin and Kirkwood. And a gazillion gorgeous dresses, courtesy of misters Posen, de la Renta and Rodriguez. Naturally, there are also lots of handbags... scarves... hats... sunglasses... you get it, pretty much everything pretty I have on that favourite list!

So, ladies, if you love lots of pretty things, this is the site to be at. And it doesn't hurt that you can make wish lists and share with your family and friends when birthdays and Christmas are approaching. They'll know just what to get you!

Now go, my pretties, lose yourselves in the magic of fashion!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

H&M's new swimwear model

H&M have a brand new swimwear model, and she is not one of those stick thin models that kinda makes you feel like crap when you don't look as good in the swimwear as they do. Their new model is the GORGEOUS Tara Lynn, a stunning and curvy plus size model who rocks the heck outta the swimwear campaign!
She is absolutely stunning, and I would kill to look like her! Admittedly, I am much more of a plus size than she is, but if I could be her size and look as amazing as Tara Lynn does, I would be a very happy (and swimsuit clad) little lady!

You can read more about beautiful Tara Lynn here, at  

Also - good job H&M, for showing women you don't need be a size zero to look gorgeous in swimwear!

The gorgeous Tara Lynn


Rocking H&M's swimwear

Monday 16 May 2011

Queen Latifah rocking it for CoverGirl

Spent my Sunday reading Vogue yesterday, adding new fabulous things to my mental wish lists. Once I had read it through, I turn it over and see a CoverGirl ad on the back, with the gorgeous Queen Latifah. And I just have to share this pic of the ad that I took, because I just love how absolutely gorgeous this woman is! She's a real role model for us curvy girls, and I'll tell y'all right now, I'd love to look as fantastic in a gold sequin dress as she does here!

The gorgeous Queen Latifah for CoverGirl

Saturday 14 May 2011

Next best thing

Since there is no Starbucks in Norway, and I have become addicted to caramel macchiatos and their excellent iced teas, I had to get the next best thing today.. a premixed coffee you find in the fridge section of your local supermarket. Not as excellent as the real deal, but good enough for when you really want some cold coffee goodness..!

Starbucks goodness in the back room at work

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Ask and you shall receive

It seems posting a rant on my blog did the trick! After a rather sleepless night (and shallow sleep when it did occur), I woke up determined to get some answers today. So, after a little procrastinating during which I vacuumed the house and washed my hair, I called to ask if my contact at the agency had heard anything more regarding the receptionist job. He could inform me that even though they really liked me and wanted to hire me, they couldn't offer me anything right now. And he even said that since I had another offer it would be better for me to take that, as he couldn't be sure when or if they would make an offer to me.
So I have been eliminated from the whole "having to choose" thing, and the big flashing sign I wanted has appeared. I should have ranted a little earlier, seeing as it worked out so splendidly!
Thank you, universe!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

I can't decide...

I've been searching (desperately) for work now eight months... since September 2010, when I moved back from the States. And now finally, I have a part time job in a store that sells curtains and bedsheets and towels and stuff like that, thanks to a friend who's the manager there. And I've been offered a more permanent job there, almost full time, which is great. Trouble is, all of a sudden, I have another place interested in hiring me. I interviewed with them before Easter, but the job went to the other candidate. Now however, they've decided they need a receptionist at the other office and called the agency to specifically ask for me. Which kinda leaves me in the position of having to choose (if I am offered this other one as well), and I know people say that this is the best position to be in, but I could not disagree more. I think it is the worst possible position to be in as I have to make a choice and disappoint someone no matter what I do. I absolutely hate the idea of having to leave one of them kinda stranded without someone to hire, and it's such pressure on me that I wish I didn't have any offers at all. Which isn't a good thing to wish for as I have tried now for eight months to find a job! It's literally making me feel sick with anxiety over having to blow someone off, of leaving them with a big mess of having to find someone new. I HATE doing that. My mother tells me for once I gotta think of what's best for me and not be such a "good girl" and so considerate and afraid of hurting others, but I just cannot stand the idea of having to hurt someone. Well, in this case, turn someone down. I'm only now waiting to hear from the receptionist job, but I have to give an answer to my current job soon so she can start finding someone else to take the position so that she won't be left with no one. I need to let her know tomorrow as I've already postponed giving her an answer now for two days..!

And in addition to all this, I have to take into consideration that if I want my husband to come back into the country, there are certain rules I have to "obey" regarding how much money they need me to make to meet their requirements. I need to be a over a certain amount a year, and even though I love the job I have now, I know that I won't make that amount there, but I will at the receptionist job. But the receptionist job I think is a little above my skills, if I'm honest. I really do think I've bit off more than I can chew on that one, as I'm pretty sure that I won't do as good a job there as they might all expect and hope.
I know I won't sleep much at all tonight over this, and I just feel like screaming until my voice is gone. I really hate being in this position, and I feel like I'm about to throw a major tantrum over this like I'm a sulky 2-year-old. Not at all chic, let me tell you that much!

All I want is a big flashing neon sign that says "pick this one" with the name of either job underneath. That is all I'm asking for. How hard can that be? I don't want to have to disappoint one of the two; I know I'll always feel guilty for ditching the other one, even if I made the "right" choice!