Monday 6 December 2010

We Are The World 25 For Haiti (YouTube Edition)

Whilst on YouTube today, I came across this amazing video. I found it when I was watching the "celebrity" version of We Are The World that was recorded to help raise money for Haiti. This particular video is put together of 'amateur' singers that have their own YouTube pages where they post videos of themselves singing, and it's like YouTube's version of the star-studded We Are The World recording. As I was watching it, I kept getting absolutely amazed at all these fantastic singers that had recorded their version of the song to be edited into this massive collaboration video. All of them are fantastically talented, and there are a whole bunch of them that I would run out and buy a CD of right this moment if they had any! So, naturally, I had to share this. Not only is it a compliation of amazing singers, but it's a beautiful song and it was recreated for an absolutely worthy cause. So, check out the video, and share it with all of your friends, too!
If there are any artist that you just absolutely have to find out more about, you can click on their image in the video, and you'll be taken to their YouTube page. Or, if you actually go to YouTube, there are links for all these singers posted in the info bit underneath the video.

Apparently, the video is no longer available... but it is. So follow this link to see the talented people singing!

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