Thursday 2 December 2010

Über-cool and super chic

So the other day I was at the mall to hand in job application number 36 (!) and since I was there, I figured I'd just make myself feel a little better about the no job situation, so I popped into a few shoe stores. Nothing cheers a girl up quicker than pretty shoes! Guys, you might wanna take note of that... I'm just sayin'.
Anywhoo... I wander into Bianco, and these fantabulous shoes that glitter under the store lights overhead catch my eye. They are super sexy shoes, covered in golden glitter and they make my heart smile. Not only will they be fabulous with an LBD throughout the upcoming holiday party season, but they can glam up a pair of jeans quicker than you can correctly spell Manolo's last name! To my great disappointment they only have a size 36 left in that store, and I'm a 38. So I'm forced to leave, dreaming of the glittering shoes all the way home and throughout the night. The next day, I jump on a bus to the city, determined to find the shoes in my size, and prepared to scour all the Bianco shoe stores in the area. I hit the first store on my list, and the sales lady tells me as I happily try on my right size that they just got in a new shipment. I'm telling you, I almost hugged the girl!
So, now I have the fantastic shoes, and I didn't have to spend hours in the freezing cold hunting them down all over the city. Yay!

The glorious shoes. I mean, how chic are these?!

I know this looks like it's like plastic glitter, but that's not so. Just my picture taking that sucks.

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