Thursday 11 November 2010

Sneaking Christmas spirit..

It's no secret that my very favourite holiday of the year is Christmas. I'm not much of a winter person, but I do love me some serious Christmas festivites! :) I love everything about Christmas... the sounds, the smells, the beautiful way that Christmas lights glow in the winter darkness, and that people always seem to be happy. So I've started a little early this year... today, it was cold out - like frost on the roof of the neighbour's house cold - so I grabbed some hot chocolate, clementines and I found my Christmas playlist on my iPod. When Christmas is over, I don't allow myself to listen to my some 100 songs on the Christmas playlist on my iPod, and now that it's almost mid-November, I just couldn't resist anymore! I'm almost tempted to light some inscense, but I can't take it too far. Even though I'd love to start decorating right now! :) I mean, the stores are doing it, so why can't I? Mainly because I currently live with my parents, and they'd be a little disturbed that I started decorating already. I think next year when I have my own place again, I'll have to really hold myself back so I don't start decorating mid-October! lol
I'm a grown woman, and I'm as excited as a child for Christmas to get here. It's not about the presents, but about spending time with family and friends, and just having a great time. It's about the fantastic Christmas dinner, all the candles and fire roaring in the fireplace, it's about hot toddy's, baking and all the Christmas lights shining like little stars all over the city. I know one of my friends is as eager as me to start decorating, so I know I'm not alone! :) But I will pace myself, and not start too soon. First things first - get a job! I've an interview on Tuesday, so everybody keep your fingers, toes, arms, legs and eyes crossed that I get it. Or just send me happy "you'll-nail-it-and-get-the-job" thoughts. That works too, in case you're in need of your arms, legs, hands and all that. ;)

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