Thursday 18 November 2010

Graffiti nails

Last weekend, I tried out the new graffiti nails from IsaDora and I was pleasantly surprised at the outcome! I used the IsaDora Wonder Nail Gold Sparkles as my base, and momentarily had nails that glimmered deliciously in pretty gold. Definitely a fun nail polish to use (on its own) if you're wearing an all black ensamble at a Christmas party - glitz up your nails with the gold, and you'll be sparkling all night long!
Anywhoo... when my base had dried, I swiped a coat of IsaDora Graffiti Nail Top in Black Tag on over the gold, and within seconds (it says 30 seconds on the bottle) it dried and cracked up to reveal the gold polish underneath. The result was actually pretty cool! One note though, you need to do the Graffiti Nail top in one stroke. If you don't, the crackling effect won't happen, and it'll just wind up looking like you have a watered down black polish on over the base coat. Not that hot - trust me, I made the mistake. And had to do two nails over. :) But the brush is really quite wide, so one stroke does the trick. And if you fudge up, there's always nail polish remover so you can start over again! Also, I do recommend putting on a top coat of clear polish over top of everything. The one I used (Black Tag) dried up to be a kind of matte surface, but with a clear coat over top, it was shiny again.

It's a really cool way to jazz up your nails if you're going to a party, and you can be sure that you look fabulous down to your funky nails. You can use any base colour you want, and they do have six (I believe) graffiti nail tops you can use: Black Tag, White Art, Masterpiece Pink, Yellow Crew, Spraycan Blue and Subway Green. So get to polishing!

Looks funky, and definitely worked as fun party nails!

More of a close-up of the graffit nails... not the best pic, but you get the general idea!

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