Thursday 6 October 2011

Shopping Detox

After reading an article in an online paper about a Swedish fashion journalist who put herself on a shopping detox for a whole year to stop herself from buying “unnecessary” stuff, I too have decided to give it a go. Maybe not for a whole year, but at least until the end of this one. I know I’m not the only girl in the world to buy things just to buy them, clothes in particular, as it gives you a delicious little high to come home with something new. Even if it’s a white t-shirt you already own like nine of. So, I am going to not buy anything new until the end of the year. Instead, I will learn to use the clothes I already have in more ways that I have before. It’ll hopefully force me to be a little more creative with the things I already have, and perhaps even give me an opportunity to find my own style.

And not to worry, I shall be keeping you posted on how it goes. No doubt also to do a bit of bitching about how I have absolutely NOTHING to wear! So, in advance, just bear with me.

What I WON'T be doing for a while..!