Sunday 14 August 2011

Just been inked

On Friday, I went into the city and stopped by a tattoo parlour. Mostly, just to check pricing. The girl behind the counter informed me that they had available drop-in appointments, if I wanted to get it done then. I kinda just said "okay", and we started looking at various fonts to use. After selecting the one I liked best, she printed it out and asked one of the artists if she could do it. She told me "yes, just give me 10 minutes" and off she went.
So it happened that I on Friday afternoon got my very first tattoo!
It's our wedding date in Roman numerals, and it's very clean and classy if I may say so myself. I felt like such a badass when I walked out after she'd tattooed me. Like I should be wearing skin-tight leather pants and be dating a T-Bird!

My wrist before

Still covered...

My new ink! Pretty, isn't it?