Wednesday 27 April 2011

Finally - a job!

Oh, my gosh..! After almost 8 months of searching for work, I am actually going in to do just that today! Woohoo!! I know, it's all very exciting, and I am totally psyched even if it's just a part time job, at least it's something, right?!
So, now, finally I get to actually work a little, and make a little money too. And you can't argue with that..! I go in today at 1pm, so I still got some time to (probably) redo the outfit another few times..! The job is working in a store that sells like curtains, towels, table cloths and stuff like that, so it's gotta be something comfortable but not too slacky. Y'know? I have a feeling that I no doubt will be purchasing cute and comfortable ballerina flats to wear, because let's face it.. heels are not really smart for being on your feet all day long! Oh, and not to worry, whatever cute shoes I buy will be posing for pictures and posted on here. I know, I'm just that nice, right?

Saturday 23 April 2011

Happy Easter!

I hope you are all having a lovely Easter. I know I am, certainly with the summer-like weather we're having, so I cannot complain about wearing ballerina pumps and no jackets outside. Love!
Will need to locate some form of self-tanner though, as my legs are incredibly white and I will scare people if they were to see me in anything shorter than ankle-length.

Anyway... just a quick post today, as I am off to enjoy some nicely chilled white wine on the veranda! Ah, yes, life is grand!

Had to leave y'all with this adorable bunny.. Happy Easter!

Monday 4 April 2011

My pretty liqueur glasses

As I promised, here is a picture of one of the five crystal liqueur glasses that I got from grandma's apartment. There are five in total; a red, a blue, a yellow and two green. They are so pretty, with the patterns in the glass, that I might have to start drinking liqueurs or schnapps now just to get a use out of them! Or, just display them in a glass cabinet to the envy of everyone I know.. sounds like a good idea, no?

Laid down, you can see the pretty decorations

I got five of these beauties..!